Threats to a Healthy Church

Rev. Bruce Brown

Titus 1:10-16

November 17, 2019

I. The Characteristics of False Teachers (verses 10-13, 16)

II. The Cure for False Teaching (verses 9, 14-16)

“How did Paul react to this distressing situation?  What was his strategy in the face of spreading error?... It was this: when false teachers increase, we must multiply the number of true teachers.  Titus was to appoint elders in every town (vs. 5), who would hold fast God’s reliable word, teach it faithfully and refute those who contradicted it (vs. 9).  Why?  Because of the number of rebellious people or deceivers (vs. 10).  So, the more false teachers there are, the more true teachers are needed.”  ~ John R. W. Stott


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