Christmas Kindness

Rev. Bruce Brown

Titus 3:3-7

December 15, 2019

I. The Kindness of God the Father (verses 3-4)

II. The Grace of God the Son (verses 4, 6-7)

III. The Renewal of God the Holy Spirit (verses 5-6)

“So, Christmas is about love appearing in the form of kindness. The kind Son of God took our flesh, shared our nature, expressed His love for us, and died our death. And when He rose, He was no less kind. He has been kind to us in our sin and need. That kindness is intended to “lead you to repentance” says Paul (Romans 2:4). That is what it did to Saul of Tarsus (Paul)… Perhaps you also saw that kindness in someone, and it has drawn you to the love of Christ.” ~ Sinclair Ferguson


Why God Became Man


The Power of Grace