March 13th, 2020 Announcement on COVID 19 & Church Service

Dear Prosperity Church Family,

As COVID 19 (corona-virus) spreads the Session of Prosperity Church will be making prayerful decisions as it relates to the gatherings of Prosperity.  As of now, services will NOT BE CANCELLED for this Sunday (March 15).  But please stayed tuned to your email and Facebook for day to day updates.  We are monitoring State directives as they are being issued.  Though we are holding services please be advised: 

  1. If you have symptoms of any potentially contagious sickness (coughing, sneezing, fever, etc.), it would be beneficial and desirable for you to stay home and rest.  Please plan to honor the Lord’s Day by devoting yourself to Bible study, prayer, praise in the privacy of your home. 

  2. Even if you are not sick, we realize it is appropriate for many of our folks to stay at home to avoid person to person interaction.  Health and Safety reports have determined that persons 65 and older are at a greater health risk.  Anyone with existing health conditions and or compromised immune systems should also avoid added risk of infection. 

  3. For those who are unable to attend our Sunday service we will upload the sermon to our website at  We will also attempt to upload the service to our Facebook page.

  4. For all who are currently healthy and wish to attend the Sunday service of the church: Let’s be wise and discerning in our interaction with each other.  Until further notice we have discontinued our normal fellowship greeting as a part of the service.  And remember, at this time, many will think it is preferable to greet one another with an “elbow bump” (chicken wing) over a handshake or a hug.  Don’t take it personally if you are not greeted by others in the ways you expect. 

  5. Above all, remember we serve a loving Father that controls absolutely everything. There is literally nothing he cannot do. Remember Romans 8:28, a verse we have often heard- but it's promise is for us and its power is unending. "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." The news headlines and our own personal experience may be presenting us with many uncertainties... but our all good, all wise, all powerful and all-knowing King is at work for our good and His glory!

Prosperity church family let’s live, worship, and pray with an unwavering confidence in the sovereign wisdom of our great Lord!

In Christ,

Pastor Bruce for Prosperity Church Session


March 20th, 2020 Announcement on COVID 19 & Church Services