The Victory Psalm

April 12, 2020

Rev. Bruce Brown

Psalm 22:22-31

I. The Risen LORD Leads Heavenly Praise (Vss. 22, 25)

II. The Risen LORD Seeks Your Praise (Vss. 23, 26)

III. The Risen LORD Proclaims Worldwide Praise (Vs.. 27-31)

“But there is this element too: those who believe will also be witnesses.  At the start of this section Jesus said that he would declare the name of God to his brothers.  But here, as the psalm closes, it is the future generations who will come to Christ who have become his witnesses:  “They will proclaim his righteousness to a people yet unborn.”  That is our task.  To trust and tell others – until Jesus comes again.”  ~ J. M. Boice


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