The Good Friday Psalm

Rev. Bruce Brown

Psalm 22:1-21

April 5, 2020

I. The Christ Forsaken by God (verses 1-5)

II. The Christ Despised of the People (verses 6-11)

III. The Christ Cursed in Crucifixion (verses 12-21)

“His (Jesus’) prayers are answered, but in accordance with the will and timing of the Father.  Was he delivered before death?  No.  Was he delivered out of death?  Yes.  Was he delivered on Good Friday?  No.  Was he delivered on Easter Sunday?  Yes.  It was a better time and a better way… There comes a time, when one is reading certain passages of God’s Word, that commentary must yield to contemplation.  May God impress deeply on your heart the profound reality that the Son did this for you.”  ~ Sam Storms


The Victory Psalm


Sheltering In God Most High