Wednesday Night Bible Study Romans 9:1-13

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Romans: “The just shall live by faith

God’s Purpose of Election

Read:  Romans 9:1-13

Scripture and Key References:

“…in order that God's purpose of election might continue, not because of works but because of him who calls…” ~ Romans 9:11b

Exodus 32:32          Jeremiah 7:4          Jeremiah 23:3           Isaiah 50:10         1 Kings 19:18           Isaiah 45:4-7


            Romans 8 ended in an amazing crescendo of confidence.  There Paul rejoiced that God guarantees our final salvation.  According to Romans 8:28-39 God will most certainly carry us on to glory!  But now Paul anticipates an objection to this glorious gospel.  It is almost as if he imagines someone saying: “Paul you say that this Gospel takes us all the way home.  But what about the Jews?  Were they not ‘God’s chosen people’?  But, Paul, most Jews have rejected Jesus at this present time.  Doesn’t this cast a shadow on our assurance? Does this mean God’s promise, power, and purpose is failing?”  The question of Jewish unbelief is very important and exploring this question will take us deep into who God is and His purpose in history. 

Discussion and Review Questions:

1.     Why might the question of Jewish unbelief be something important for Paul to address in the Roman church?  Why does it matter whether or not God’s promises have failed? 

2.     How does the emotional nature of Paul’s language challenge you?  Do you anguish over the lostness of others in your family, workplace and school? 

3.     In verses 4 & 5 Paul lists the advantages of the Old Covenant people of God.  What advantages do you enjoy in the church of Christ?  How does this passage teach us to use these advantages? 

4.     Paul focuses on the doctrine of ‘election’ in this passage.  Does this doctrine trouble you?  How does the doctrine of election change your perception of who gets credit for your salvation?

5.     How does the doctrine of ‘election’ provide a foundation for the believer’s security?  How does this doctrine increase your gratitude? 


Wednesday Night Bible Study Romans 9:14-29


Wednesday Night Bible Study Romans 8:31-39