Wednesday Night Bible Study Romans 11:11-24

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Romans: “The just shall live by faith”

God’s Continuing Faithfulness to Israel

Read:  Romons 11:11-24

Scripture and Key References:

And even they, if they do not continue in their unbelief, will be grafted in, for God has the power to graft them in again.” ~ Romans 11:23

Acts 13:42-48                Numbers 28:26-31               Numbers 15:30-31                      Isaiah 8:20                   Galatians 3:13-14            Psalm 68:20; Rev. 1:18


Here in Romans 11 Paul is wrestling with the question of vs. 1, “has God rejected His people?”  So far in verses 1-10, Paul has demonstrated that the Israel’s rejection was not total. Just as in Elijah’s day, so also in Paul’s, there was a remnant chosen by grace. Now in verses 11-24 Paul will show that Israel’s rejection fits into God’s larger purposes. Because of Jewish rejection of the Gospel large portions of the Gentile community have been saved. Furthermore, because of Gentile inclusion the Israelites are provoked to a godly jealousy that will draw many in ethnic Israel to saving faith. As we gain insight into the plan of God, we see that He is able to use what looks like failure to us and work it for our salvation and His glory. 

Discussion and Review Questions:

1.     Name a few stories and places where God used failures in the Bible.  Where has God used failure in your life or the lives of those you love?

2.     Where in the Old Testament does God promise to bless the nations?

3.     Read Romans 9:1-3. With such a heart for the Jewish people do you think that Paul was disappointed with His calling to evangelize the Gentiles? How did Paul understand his role in ministry?

4.     What does Paul mean that Israel will become “jealous”? What does this teach us about “jealousy”? Could someone clearly see and come to envy the benefits of the gospel in your life? 

5.     How does Paul’s illustrations in these verses (lump of dough or olive tree) increase your awareness of God’s gracious plan?  How does the olive tree example help you to live the Christian life? 

6.     Why must we remember both the kindness and the severity of God?  What would go wrong in your life if you emphasized one to the exclusion of the other?


Wednesday Night Bible Study Romans 12_1_2


Wednesday Night Bible Study Romans 11:1-10