Wednesday Night Bible Study Romans 16:1-16

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Romans: “The just shall live by faith”

Joyous Greetings

Read:  Romans 16:1-16

Scripture and Key References:

“Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the churches of Christ greet you.”

~ Romans 16:16


2 Thessalonians 1:3             1 John 3:14-16                     Ephesians 4:2         1 Peter 1:22                      Galatians 4:15                  1 Peter 3:8; 5:14


           Returning to our studies in Romans, we come to the final chapter!  Much of this chapter is composed of greetings to people Paul knows or has heard about.  Paul’s words here reveal much about himself.  While he was undoubtedly a powerful intellect, he was no ivory tower theolog.  He was a relational man with a vast circle of friends and his networks spread throughout the Roman world.  It is obvious he loves Christ’s people and that his ministry is warm and personal.  And not only Paul, but those that Paul mentions here also ministered in a warm, personal, and relational ways.  Look for these relational connections as you study verses 1-16.  Pray the LORD grant great warmth in His body.   

Discussion and Review Questions:

1.     Take a moment and describe the “ideal” church to those in your group.  What areas of church life mean the most to you?  How do your ideals line up with what we see in Romans 16?        

2.     Look over the list of names in verses 1-16.  What can we learn and apply from the composition of the Roman church?  Which description of ordinary church members particularly stand out to you? 

3.     What roles do Phoebe (vs. 1) and Junia (vs. 7) play in the early church?  Do translations differ?  How much can we say about the role of these women in the church of Rome?

4.     How are your relational ties to the believers around you? Are you really involved in their lives?  If not, how will you begin to change this area of discipleship? 

5.     As Sunday approaches do you look forward to seeing your brothers and sisters in Christ?  When you arrive at church, do you greet your fellow believers (and visitors) sincerely and warmly?  If not, how will you begin to change this week? 


Wednesday Night Bible Study 16:17-27


Wednesday Night Bible Study Romans 15:22-33