The Power of the Cross

August 18, 2019

Rev. Bruce Brown

John 12:27-36

I. The Glory of the Cross (verses 27-30)

II. The Conquest of the Cross (verses 31-32)

III. The Offence of the Cross (verses 34-36)

“A day shall come when every knee shall bow before the Lamb that was slain, and every tongue confess that He is Lord to the glory of God the Father. He who was "lifted up" on the cross shall yet sit on the throne of glory, and before Him shall be gathered all nations. Friends and foes, each in their own order, shall be "drawn" from their graves, and appear before the judgment-seat of Christ. Let us take heed in that day that we are found on His right hand!” ~ J.C. Ryle


Confessing Glory


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